Our Stories

FT Limited (FT-TS for short) is an international financial technology company. The technical team has gone through 8 years since its establishment. It has international engineers with serious, diligent, rigorous attitude and work style. Experience, occupy a place in the more prosperous and mature European market in the financial market, and enjoy a very good reputation.
  • Profession

    3876 Working exprience

  • Safety

    289 regional service network

  • Strength

    800+ Global Clients

Our Strength

FT Limited (FT-TS for short) is an international financial technology company. The technical team has gone through 10 years since its establishment. It has internatioanl engineers with serious, diligent, rigorous attitude and work style. Experience, occupy a place in the more prosperous and mature European market in the financial market, and enjoy a very good reputation.

9 core products

9 Core Products Platform Construction

FT-TS always adheres to the development concept of
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Wechat: FTTSPRIME, Whatsapp: +447537106388, Telegram: @robertzha